Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Mixtape Exchange

Hey -

I made this blog in the hopes of rescussitating the long dormant mix-of-the-month group we had going a while back. I think it died last time because it was too much effort to burn 10 CD-Rs with custom art-work and ship them to 10 different people in 10 different cities every month. Right?

This will be easier. Create a mix of mp3s and zip them up. Post the file to this blog along with a track-listing and any artwork or comments you wish to include.

Guidelines: As a general rule, mixes should be of a reasonable length. 60 minutes or less? 15 tracks or less? Less than 100MB? A little concision and self-editing can go a long way. Call out explicit content in a mix, just so we know what we’re getting into. Themes are strongly encouraged.

Also, let’s be careful about who we let in. For one, I don’t want it to get too big. For another, it would be nice to have diverse, but really good, musical tastes represented here. For legal reasons, this is a private blog for our close network of friends. Don’t invite everybody you know.

To gain access to the blog and post your mixes, leave a comment to this post with the e-mail address you want to use. I will add you as a contributor.

Cool. I’ll post my first mix soon.

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